When we moved three years ago, I was very sad to leave my endless pool. The pool set-up just was not portable. Plus, we weren't sure exactly how long it would be until our new house was built. Continue Reading
Am I Too Old to Kayak ?
I have been terrified of kayaking my whole life. That is, until my first time ever kayaking last year at the age of 60. The trouble was that stories and movies about kayaking are always talking Continue Reading
Basic First Aide Supplies for the Aging Runner
Events yesterday have led me to evaluate the state of my first aide supplies. Really, this list should be good for anyone, but sometimes us older runners need reminders to check the supplies when Continue Reading
Learning to Enjoy Running on the Treadmill
Is a treadmill ever a good idea? When something is hard, but still desirable, it is time to problem solve! This was the case for me with running on the treadmill this year. Why run on a Continue Reading
Why Do They Call It Wild Cat Canyon
Going back in time Hiking into Wild Cat Canyon (video below) it was easy to imagine we had gone back in time or were the last people on earth. The canyon was very isolated even though it was only Continue Reading