Going back in time
Hiking into Wild Cat Canyon (video below) it was easy to imagine we had gone back in time or were the last people on earth. The canyon was very isolated even though it was only about 1.5 miles from Highway 95.
Once we got behind a couple of hills, we couldn’t see or hear the traffic on 95, which was mostly commercial trucks due to the current travel restrictions. I found myself wondering what it was like to wander the desert before roads, before there was a good-sized city just a couple of miles away. Before I knew exactly where I was going to find lunch when I got home.
It was someone back in that time who got to name this canyon. I have to assume there were wild cats involved. This is not a far stretch since mountain lions are still currently known to live in the area.
We did not see any wild cats, but I have to admit the name put me on alert. Also, it is easy to see why this would be a good hideout for anyone, human or animal.
I hope you enjoy your short visit to Wild Cat Canyon and highlights of the odd path we took in the video below: