Who needs Disneyland? I was recently surprised to survive a mountain bike ride. I found myself vacillating between You only live once! and If I crash, will I die? This in spite of cycling being Continue Reading
Interview: Cycling Strong at Age 60
At age 60, Lori can bicycle up challenging hills well ahead of most adult men less than half her age. You probably wouldn’t know it from looking at her. She is a bit shorter than average, with a Continue Reading
How a Grandma Pulls a Kiddie Cart by Bicycle for the First Time
I had saved the kiddie cart or wagon or whatever you want to call it for a good 20 years, but I hadn't really thought about who would be pulling it when grandkids came along. When our kids were young, Continue Reading
A Lesson in Using Elbows as Shock Absorbers While Riding a Bike
People are always talking about how cycling is easy on the joints. I’m just saying, “it depends.” My right wrist is sore today from impact while riding my bike a couple days ago. I did NOT fall off at Continue Reading
How an Engineer Installs the Wrong Bicycle Mirror the Right Way.
I had had it out with the bicycle mirror last week, but my engineer surprised me a couple days ago with the fully installed mirror. Still the same wrong mirror, and on the original mountain bike I was Continue Reading