I was SO ready for this half marathon. I had built up my mileage base for months, to make sure the distance was comfortable. I had done speed work and hill repeats. I had trained my bare feet for Continue Reading
Answers for the Curious and the Critics in My Barefoot Great Potato Half Marathon 2015
I searched the mass of 1600 runners behind the start line for any other barefoot or minimalist runners. I was disappointed not to see any, as I usually at least spot someone in sandals or Vibrams. Continue Reading
The 90% Barefoot City of Trees Marathon 2014
Here are two important lists related to this first ever marathon that I ran, and ran 90% barefoot, on Sunday, October 12, 2014. These lists are a summary of the challenges and advantages I had going Continue Reading
Dealing with Cramps While Running My First Barefoot Half Marathon
[box]Warning: This post contains descriptions of uniquely female phenomena. How I dealt with it may be applicable to cramps in other parts of the body, but this discussion is particularly pertinent to Continue Reading
5 Lessons from My First Maximum Aerobic Function Barefoot Race on Sharp Gravel with Hills
Last Saturday, I ran my first running race at maximum aerobic function pace AND my first race barefoot on a significant amount of of sharp asphalt. Here is a summary of lessons I learned from the Continue Reading