About four weeks ago, I was able to run a solid 4.5 miles totally barefoot when the temperature was reading 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Since then, the temperatures (when I have been running) have been mostly around 40 – 45, but the wind has been more arctic and there has been more cloud cover. This means that I have gotten cold more easily AND the pavement has not soaked up as much sunshine. Thus, I have needed to begin wearing my Moc3’s at least part of the time.
The ironic thing is that I have worked up to running slightly over 8 miles barefoot very comfortably, but after a couple of miles without socks in the Moc3’s I developed some sore spots on my toes. Not blisters, but where skin on a couple of the longer toes was beginning to get too pink and tender. I was trying to apply some of the ideas about being able to take minimalist shoes on and off quickly. Just the Moc3’s was enough to keep my feet warm and I didn’t want what I thought would be desensitization due to the cushion of the socks. I ran over 8 miles a couple of months ago in the Moc3’s WITH socks and did NOT get any sore spots.
Unfortunately, lack of socks was allowing the Moc3’s to rub too much, despite the asphalt conditioning and my best efforts to run lightly. So, I was back to using some duct tape (only when I ran) and socks (when I put on the Moc3’s). 99% of the rest of the time, I have been either barefoot or in flip-flops, and the sore spots have been healing rapidly.
I might have been more willing to try to adapt to being sockless if a race wasn’t coming up. It’s a low key, Thanksgiving Day morning race, but there doesn’t seem to be any point running if I’m picking my way slowly due to sore toes. After that is over, maybe I will try to see if there is a balance between transitioning to:
- running without socks in Moc3’s slowly enough to let my feet adapt AND
- still be able to wear the Moc3’s enough as the weather is turning quite a bit colder next week.
When I did decide I needed to put socks on, it didn’t detract much from the excellent ground feel through the Moc3’s. Quite possibly, I will soon need to wear socks while running just for the warmth anyway. Flip-flops seem to be fine for all other walking on the cold ground right now. If I do wear socks and shoes for a while, I can’t wait to take them off! That’s quite a change from last winter. It feels like even the top of my feet are getting tougher from being out in the elements so much. I shouldn’t be surprised that my feet would rather not be in shoes at all, but I’m going to have to figure it what the balance is for me this year, this winter.